Dave Thomas
Author, The Pragmatic Programmer
Not Dead Yet! Reclaiming Agility
Rod Johnson
Creator, Spring Framework; Co-Founder & CEO, SpringSource
Generative AI: Beyond the Amazing Demos
Brian LeRoux
Brian LeRoux, Co-founder and CTO, Begin.com; Core Maintainer, OpenJS Architect
Rethinking Developer Experience (DX)
Jessica Kerr
Symmathecist; Developer Advocate, Honeycomb.io
Experimenting in a Sociotechnical System
Harrison Canning
Innovation Strategist at Blackrock Neurotech; Science Communicator; Bioethics Student, Harvard University
Exploring the Power of Thought with Brain-Computer Interfaces
Kiki Carter
Senior Staff Curriculum Developer, Cockroach Labs
Managing Data Across Borders: Data Sovereignty with Distributed Databases
Diana Montalion
Author, Learning Systems Thinking: Essential Nonlinear Skills & Practices for Software Professionals
Keynote: Critical Shifts in Thinking for the Systems Age
Scott Imbrie
Participant, Brain/Computer Interface Study
Controlling a Robotic Hand With My Brain: My Experience With Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)
Dane Sherrets
Senior Solutions Architect, HackerOne
How Developers Can Ethically Hack for Fun and Profit
Oscar Spencer
Co-creator, Grain; Principal Engineer, F5 NGINX
WebAssembly & the Component Model: the Future of Software Development
Jeffrey Vadala
Director, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence Lab, University of Pennsylvania
Exploring the Human Mind through AI, VR, and Neuroscience at Penn’s Virtual Reality Lab
Ken Rimple
Director of Training & Mentoring, Chariot Solutions
React and Its Pretenders to the Throne: Is News of React’s Death Premature?
Josh Goldberg
Author, Learning TypeScript; Maintainer, TypeScript-ESLint; Committer, ESLint
Understanding TypeScript: Fixing the Billion Dollar Mistake and Other ConceptsThe Best TypeScript Features You’re Not Using Yet

Stevenson Jean-Pierre
Senior Engineering Manager, PagerDuty
Failure Fridays at PagerDuty: Embracing Failure for Success
Ya Xue
VP Data Science, Infinia ML
Integrating AI Technologies Into Real-World Applications: Case Studies & Insights
Melanie Sumner
Accessibility Lead for Design Systems, HashiCorp
Continuous Accessibility: Strategies that Scale
Ryan Singer
Author, Shape Up; Former Head of Strategy, 37signals
Fixed Time, Variable Scope in the Shape Up Methodology
Cailyn Edwards
Senior Security Engineer, Auth0 by Okta
Securing with Love: A Philly Style Approach to Cloud Safety
Joel Confino
Chief Omnichannel Architect, Vanguard
The Art of Omnichannel: Building Blocks For Crafting Connected Experiences