
Filip Maj, committer, Apache Cordova
Filip Maj - committer, Apache Cordova
Tue - 10:15-11:15 AM, Salon D

The popular cross-platform mobile application framework, PhoneGap, has established itself over the past few years as a useful tool when writing applications for multiple platforms based on standards-based web technologies.

PhoneGap, or its Apache Software Foundation-goverened engine called Cordova, is gearing up for a 3.0 release in July 2013 and has as goals delivery of a bare framework with customizable APIs and top-notch tooling.

Fil, who works at Adobe and is involved with Apache Cordova and PhoneGap full-time, has been at work delivering command-line tools to help ease management of cross-platform PhoneGap applications. With the plethora of mobile SDK, development operating system and device requirements needed to create a single app for a single platform, it is no surprise that handling multiple platforms is an exponentially tougher problem. The PhoneGap CLI aims to solve this problem.

Additionally, Fil has been developing a distributed, cross-platform and cross-device continuous integration system for hybrid applications such as those built with PhoneGap. Come see what’s been cooking in Apache Cordova!

Chris Converse, Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Chris Converse - Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Wed - 10:15-11:15 AM, Salon A

The “Save to Homescreen” feature on Apple’s iOS packs a lot more punch than you may realize. Web Apps are a powerful way to gain more control over a web experience, while providing all of the power of Mobile Safari. Web Apps can have their own icon, a custom startup screen, look and function like native apps, can run offline, store local data, and do not need to be submitted to the iTunes store!

We’ll also look at implementing your web app experiences in other technologies and platforms, such as converting them to native apps for multiple platforms, using them in digital magazines and iBooks, and even using them on Android devices.

Doug Bellenger, Product Manager, LifeShield Nick Dipatri, Engineer, LifeShield
Doug Bellenger - Product Manager, LifeShield
Nick Dipatri - Engineer, LifeShield
Wed - 04:00-05:00 PM, Salon A

In this talk, Doug Bellenger and Nick DiPatri from LifeShield will discuss using your Android device as an end point to your home security, some of the challenges we face with user experience and tips for handling local and remote communication with physical devices such as sensors and cameras. The talk will explore using Android fragments, content providers, media players, networking, local and remote API handling and more.

Maurice  White, Sr. Enterprise Developer, BlackBerry
Maurice White - Sr. Enterprise Developer, BlackBerry
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Salon E

Become a successful developer of enterprise apps for BlackBerry 10. This session arms you with what’s needed to begin creating enterprise apps for the BlackBerry platform. We’ll cover development options, tooling, and porting existing apps. We’ll discuss the unique needs of developing apps for the enterprise and introduce you to how the BlackBerry platform helps you to address those needs.

Kevin  Griffin, Consultant, Chariot Solutions
Kevin Griffin - Consultant, Chariot Solutions
Wed - 02:45-03:45 PM, Salon E

In this talk we’ll look at ways to wrangle Xcode into smoothing out the development process. We’ll also take a look at some tools for addressing common software development needs including testing, debugging and automation.

David Stemmer, Consultant, Chariot Solutions
David Stemmer - Consultant, Chariot Solutions
Tue - 11:30-12:30 PM, Salon A

With mobile apps becoming more and more reliant on web services, managing network code has become one of the central responsibilities of the mobile application architect. This talk will cover Robospice, an open-source networking library for Android. Robospice streamlines some the most common networking tasks on Android, such as:

  • asynchronous background threading
  • network request, response and error handling
  • binding of JSON, XML and other data interchange types to Java objects
  • robust response caching
  • support for several library modules, including Spring Android and Google HTTP Client

This talk will not assume any previous Android knowledge, so those who are familiar with Java but not with Android are encouraged to attend.

RoboSpice is a project initiated and maintained by OCTO Technology.
