The popular cross-platform mobile application framework, PhoneGap, has established itself over the past few years as a useful tool when writing applications for multiple platforms based on standards-based web technologies.
PhoneGap, or its Apache Software Foundation-goverened engine called Cordova, is gearing up for a 3.0 release in July 2013 and has as goals delivery of a bare framework with customizable APIs and top-notch tooling.
Fil, who works at Adobe and is involved with Apache Cordova and PhoneGap full-time, has been at work delivering command-line tools to help ease management of cross-platform PhoneGap applications. With the plethora of mobile SDK, development operating system and device requirements needed to create a single app for a single platform, it is no surprise that handling multiple platforms is an exponentially tougher problem. The PhoneGap CLI aims to solve this problem.
Additionally, Fil has been developing a distributed, cross-platform and cross-device continuous integration system for hybrid applications such as those built with PhoneGap. Come see what’s been cooking in Apache Cordova!