
Steve Chiles, Director of Strategy, DiD Steve Smith, Architect, Chariot Solutions Eileen Mesi, Associate Creative Director at DiD Quinn Hall, Technical Lead at DiD Chuck Sacco, President, Movitas
Steve Chiles - Director of Strategy, DiD
Steve Smith - Architect, Chariot Solutions
Eileen Mesi - Associate Creative Director at DiD
Quinn Hall - Technical Lead at DiD
Chuck Sacco - President, Movitas
Tue - 01:30-02:30 PM, Salon E

For companies, especially those in a regulated industry, a great idea for a mobile app is just the first piece in a puzzle where everything must fit together to make that idea a reality. From solid creative and user experience to technical implementation and stakeholder reviews, it takes a solid vision, thoughtful plan, commitment and teamwork to create an app that consumers want to use.

Anita Garimella Andrews, General Manager, Analytics & Optimization, Delphic Digital
Anita Garimella Andrews - General Manager, Analytics & Optimization, Delphic Digital
Tue - 02:45-03:45 PM, Salon E

Big Data is almost scary nowadays. Some small, young companies are so advanced in their use of data – but their datasets are small, so statistical validity constantly comes up. Some Fortune 100 companies haven’t even started. And other large companies have such a morass of badly integrated, inaccurate or unused data and analytics, that starting from scratch seems like a good idea. And once you have all that data, it’s unclear how to use it.

So what should you be doing today? How should you start? What should you use the data for? In this session, we’ll talk about how to work through a variety of states of data, analytics & reporting environments and cultures to get the ship sailing straight. Then, we’ll talk about sensible ways to approach optimizing that provide the quickest feedback to demonstrate value, ROI and develop a hunger for a more data-driven culture around marketing and product development.

Navarrow Wright, CTO, Interactive One Brigitte Daniel, VP, Wilco Electronic Systems Inc. Stephanie Humphrey,  Tech Reporter, Fox 29 William Crowder, Managing Director, DreamIt Ventures Corinne Warnshuis, Events Coordinator, Technically Philly
Navarrow Wright - CTO, Interactive One
Brigitte Daniel - VP, Wilco Electronic Systems Inc.
Stephanie Humphrey - Tech Reporter, Fox 29
William Crowder - Managing Director, DreamIt Ventures
Corinne Warnshuis - Events Coordinator, Technically Philly
Tue - 11:30-12:30 PM, Salon E

Due to current and growing shortage of qualified IT professionals, it has never been more important to diversify the ranks of your employees. With the forecast of 40% unfilled IT jobs by 2018, this is not just a social good issue, but an economic one. But it is not easy to find women and minorities since they are not participating in the tech economy in large numbers. Join us for this panel, moderated by Navarrow Wright, CTO of Interactive One, as he brings leaders programs which are making headway to solve this issue.

Satwik Seshasai, VP of Engineering, NextDocs
Satwik Seshasai - VP of Engineering, NextDocs
Tue - 10:15-11:15 AM, Salon E

Philadelphia developers have formed an amazing community and are harnessing the newest waves of technology to revolutionize the world. Philadelphia is also home to unique companies that are tackling big problems like curing cancer, making water available to every human on the planet, or making sure people have enough money to live comfortably in retirement. Over the month of April, the Philly Enterprise Hackathon will connect these two communities to develop game changing ideas. Winners will be awarded with significant prize money, mentorship and incubation in one of Philly’s hottest spaces to build a company. Come hear from the organizers and sponsoring organizations about what you can help build and get signed up for the most exciting hackathon in the country!

Angie Singer Keating, CEO, Reclamere, Inc.
Angie Singer Keating - CEO, Reclamere, Inc.
Tue - 04:00-05:00 PM, Salon E

A growing body of disclosure law governing security breaches and data loss incidents, coupled with ‘the professional nature’ of the threats, is fueling an expanded focus on incident response, digital forensics, evidence collection, and proactive fraud detection. In addition, government and industry regulations require not only the aggregation of data and event management but also the ability to identify and take remedial action on incidents. This is supported by research indicating that the digital forensics market will exceed $4.8 billion by 2014. Attendees will be introduced to the fundamentals of IRP and will learn how to craft and implement an incident response planning program which relies on applied processes. A special emphasis will be placed on the requirements, responsibility, processes and procedures needed to provide a rapid and reliable incident response capability. Attendees will learn how to identify potential issues between management, public relations and legal counsel before they happen, how to deal with government and law enforcement officials, and understand how and when to engage forensic procedures.
