Anita Garimella Andrews, General Manager, Analytics & Optimization, Delphic Digital
Anita Garimella Andrews - General Manager, Analytics & Optimization, Delphic Digital
Tue - 02:45-03:45 PM, Salon E

Big Data is almost scary nowadays. Some small, young companies are so advanced in their use of data – but their datasets are small, so statistical validity constantly comes up. Some Fortune 100 companies haven’t even started. And other large companies have such a morass of badly integrated, inaccurate or unused data and analytics, that starting from scratch seems like a good idea. And once you have all that data, it’s unclear how to use it.

So what should you be doing today? How should you start? What should you use the data for? In this session, we’ll talk about how to work through a variety of states of data, analytics & reporting environments and cultures to get the ship sailing straight. Then, we’ll talk about sensible ways to approach optimizing that provide the quickest feedback to demonstrate value, ROI and develop a hunger for a more data-driven culture around marketing and product development.