Naeem Hussain, Managing Partner, Agile Trailblazers Brian Barr, Managing Partner, Agile Trailblazers
Naeem Hussain - Managing Partner, Agile Trailblazers
Brian Barr - Managing Partner, Agile Trailblazers
Tue - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom E

Leadership is at the heart of sustainable and continuous agile product delivery.

For instance, are your associates motivated by a shared reward system targeted at delivering outstanding customer outcomes? Leaders that create smart incentives make this happen. Has a developer been empowered to make a wholesale change to your solution delivery process? Leaders that create scorn-free environments make this happen.

There have been numerous writings about agile tools and methodologies, but very little mentioned about the critical leadership aspects behind continuous agile product delivery. In this talk, we will connect leadership characteristics to drivers that enable organizational capabilities that have resulted in 8x improvement in productivity along with 3x improvement in quality.
