co-author, GWT in Action
Robert Hanson is the Applications Development Manager for Quality Technology
Services, a company providing hosting, managed services, and application development. There he plays a dual role of lead developer and architect, defining the processes that allow for the development of quality web applications. Robert is a veteran programmer and web developer, cutting his teeth on Perl and ASP in the mid 90’s before moving on to Java.
Robert is passionate about programming and has developed open-source software
for both the Perl and Java communities. Some of his work related to the Google
Web Toolkit includes the open-source GWT Widget Library,, and in 2007 Robert co-authored the book GWT in Action with Adam Tacy.
Robert provides tutorials and random thoughts about the craft on his blog found at, can be found hacking his Pulse pen at his latest open-source venture, and you can visit his other projects at his home page found at home on the web,