creator, Apache Tapestry
Howard Lewis Ship is the creator and lead developer for the Apache Tapestry project, is respected in the Java community as an expert on web application development, dependency injection, Java meta-programming, and developer productivity. He has well over twenty years of full-time software development under his belt, with over fifteen years of Java. He cut his teeth writing customer support software for Stratus Computer, but eventually traded PL/1 for Objective-C and NeXTSTEP before settling into Java.
Howard is a frequent speaker at JavaOne, NoFluffJustStuff, ApacheCon and other conferences, and the author of “Tapestry in Action” for Manning (covering Tapestry 3.0). Lately, he’s been dipping his toes into alternate languages, including Haskell, Clojure, CoffeeScript, and Lua.
Howard is an independent consultant, offering training, mentoring, and project work in Tapestry as well as other interesting technologies such as Clojure. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Suzanne, and his children, Jacob and Olivia.