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James Ward, Principal Developer Evangelist at Heroku
James Ward - Principal Developer Evangelist at Heroku
Wed - 11:30-12:30 PM, Ballroom E

The way we build applications is rapidly changing. HTML5, Scala, non-blocking IO, real-time push, and the cloud are welcome advancements in the world of web apps. Play Framework makes using these technologies a pleasure. In this session you will learn how to build next generation applications with Play Framework and deploy those applications on the cloud.

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Gordon Dickens, Consultant at Chariot Solutions
Gordon Dickens - Consultant at Chariot Solutions
Tue - 11:30-12:30 PM, Ballroom D
Developer’s are now being tasked with writing applications for the cloud. Although that is a simple buzzword, what does it mean to me, the developer? When developing Java Enterprise applications targeted for cloud deployment, what configuration or code changes do I need to be aware of? Will Java EE 7 make it easier? Whether you are using pure JEE or the Spring Framework, can we simply deploy our enterprise applications in the cloud? This session will give an overview of why the cloud is gaining momentum, what are the key facets that one needs to understand to deploy enterprise applications in the cloud. We will look at the differences between CloudFoundry, CloudBees, Heroku and Amazon Beanstalk. Including a demonstration of configuring an existing application and deploying it to the cloud.
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Adrian  Holovaty, Co-Creator, Django
Adrian Holovaty - Co-Creator, Django
Tue - 04:00-05:00 PM, Ballroom D

Django co-creator Adrian Holovaty shares his ideas on the future of server-side Web frameworks. Are the current batch of frameworks getting long in the tooth? Should we really still be generating HTML from scratch on each page request? Can we automate some of the new best practices, such as Pjax?

No Django knowledge is necessary to understand this talk; the thoughts apply equally to Ruby on Rails and other circa-2005 frameworks.

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Josh Long, Developer Advocate, SpringSource
Josh Long - Developer Advocate, SpringSource
Wed - 10:15-11:15 AM, Ballroom A

We’ve all been there. Every night, data in one bucket needs to be put in another bucket. Lots of data. This usually implies iterating through large result sets and hoping that the process doesn’t fall down before it’s finished. It’s tedious, delicate work, and if you had the time, you’d write more robust code. But, you don’t have the time. And frankly, you shouldn’t need to. There is a better way: Spring Batch. Spring Batch is an open source batch processing framework from SpringSource, the people behind the Spring framework. Spring Batch has a large user base and a good track record in production systems, but what is it all really about, and why does it work? This presentation provides a short bootstrap to get a new user started with the Batch domain, showing the key concepts and explaining the benefits of the framework. Then it goes into a deeper dive and looks at what holds it all together, with a close look at some of the most important but least understood features, including remote chunking and partitioning.

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Jeff Brown, Core Member, Grails team, Sr. Engineer, SpringSource.
Jeff Brown - Core Member, Grails team, Sr. Engineer, SpringSource.
Tue - 10:15-11:15 AM, Ballroom D

In this session, Grails core developer Jeff Brown will deliver an update on the latest and greats features of the Grails framework – a dynamic, web application framework based on the Groovy language and designed for Spring. Jeff will cover all the new features of Grails 2.0 including agent-based reloading, unit testing mixins, really powerful new ways to express GORM queries and more. Attendees will gain key knowledge of the latest techniques for building Grails applications on the Spring platform.This talk will be very interesting to new users, and even more so for Grails 1.x developers looking to upgrade.

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Ken Rimple, co-author of Spring Roo in Action
Ken Rimple - co-author of Spring Roo in Action
Wed - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom A

Spring Roo is a powerful productivity tool that helps Spring developers get a leg up on productivity. It can quickly configure and speed development of JPA, JMS, Email, security, full text searching, several popular web frameworks such as Spring MVC and JSF, and much more.

But what if it doesn’t do what you want it to? Maybe you’ll want to integrate it with a framework it doesn’t yet support. Maybe you want to give your developers an add-on to integrate into your own back-end systems, with a productive command set to automate building those classes. Or perhaps you’ll want to hook into the latest and greatest web or back-end infrastructure framework. All of this is possible with Roo, and you can help yourself AND the Roo community by building these extensions as Roo add-ons.

Ken Rimple, co-author of Manning’s Spring Roo in Action, will show you how to write Roo add-ons, beginning with an overview of the OSGi platform that comprises the Roo shell. He’ll demystify the various OSGi services used to configure new maven artifacts, parse and generate various file types, and transactionally manipulate and generate files in your project. He’ll do this while building a new add-on from the ground up.

Ken will also discuss how to use and deploy your add-ons, including how to use the Roobot to register your add-on for others to use.

Don’t miss this talk if you want to get the most out of Roo, and would be interested in contributing add-ons to the ecosystem.

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Yehuda Katz, SproutCore, Ruby on Rails & jQuery core teams
Yehuda Katz - SproutCore, Ruby on Rails & jQuery core teams
Tue - 11:30-12:30 PM, Ballroom C

Ember.js is a new JavaScript framework that uses data bindings to strip away common boilerplate in web applications. By making it easy to bind objects together, all the way through to your HTML templates, you can think about your application in terms of the state of your model objects. You’ll never have to worry about parts of your view remaining out of sync with updates made by other parts. Because all views reflect the current state of the same shared objects, you can manipulate those objects and let Ember update your views.

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Joonas Lehtinen, Vaadin Core Developer
Joonas Lehtinen - Vaadin Core Developer
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Ballroom D

Get introduced to the Vaadin framework by one of its core developers. The Vaadin provides a desktop-like programming model on the server for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) in plain Java – without the need for HTML, XML, plug-ins or JavaScript.

In this session, Joonas lays out the key concepts of the server-side RIA development model and compares it to client-side RIA. To demonstrate the use of framework, an example application is developed during the session step-by-step. The presentation is concluded with pointers on how to start developing your own applications with Apache-licensed Vaadin-framework.

You’ll learn:
  • How to create a desktop like web application in Java
  • Difference between page oriented, client-side RIA and server-side RIA architectures
  • How Vaadin can be extended with Google Web Toolkit

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David  Kaneda, Creative Director at Sencha
David Kaneda - Creative Director at Sencha
Tue - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom B

David Kaneda will cover the benefits of abstracting CSS by taking a deep look at Sass and Compass. The presentation will include general benefits of abstracted CSS as well as a live-coding demo to show, first-hand, how to get started.

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Trevor Burnham, Author, CoffeeScript: Accelerated Javascript Development
Trevor Burnham - Author, CoffeeScript: Accelerated Javascript Development
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Ballroom B

CoffeeScript, a streamlined language that compiles into JavaScript, has gained devotees at companies ranging from 37signals to Fog Creek to AOL. Not bad for a 2-year-old open-source project.

In this talk, we’ll take a look at some of the areas where CoffeeScript really shines, allowing devs to write cleaner, more maintainable code than would otherwise be possible, both for the browser and for Node.js.

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Chad Fowler, VP Engineering, LivingSocial
Chad Fowler - VP Engineering, LivingSocial
Wed - 11:30-12:30 PM, Ballroom C

Technologists should not identify themselves with their tools. I’m not a Rubyist. You’re not a Windows person. Operating systems, programming languages, database engines, and application frameworks are just tools we use to get things done. Identifying ourselves with our technology choices is both a career- and business limiting mistake.

This session will cover how what is ostensibly a “Rails shop” is actually far from being a Rails shop and how important that distinction is for the success of a real business. We’ve all heard the notion that Rails “doesn’t scale”. It turns out to be true. And it’s a universal truth of all technology choices. We’ll talk about how we get around the limitations of our platform of choice as well as some general strategies for opening the mind to better architectural choices by embracing technological heterogeneity.

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Aaron Mulder, CTO, Chariot Solutions
Aaron Mulder - CTO, Chariot Solutions
Wed - 10:15-11:15 AM, Ballroom B

In this talk we’ll look at the state of the art in building real-time Web applications. Based on actual projects such as a real-time monitoring console, we’ll look at Bayeux, Web Sockets, and similar approaches for pushing real-time data to the browser, data management and event-driven UI updates with Backbone.js, decoupling background tasks and calculations using Web Workers, rendering real-time charts with Smoothie, and more. We’ll look at both the latest Web standards, and fallback options for maximum portability. You’ll leave with the tools you need to build a responsive, real-time Web application.

Presentation Code
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Trevor Lalish-Menagh, Co-Creator, EnvJasmine
Trevor Lalish-Menagh - Co-Creator, EnvJasmine
Wed - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom B

Martin Flower states that the definition of legacy code is code without tests. You test your server-side code, but if you are working on a site with a fair amount of non-trivial JavaScript (ajax call, extensive callbacks, etc.) you really should be testing your JavaScript as well. All the untested JavaScript code we are writing today is, in effect, legacy code, but we can address this with
JavaScript unit testing!

One of the biggest problems with testing JavaScript is the need for a browser to do it. This makes it hard to integrate your test suite into CI servers, like Jenkins and Anthill Pro. I’ll show you how to get around this with EnvJasmine to allow you to test your front-end code and get it passing within any CI server that understands how to run Maven, Ant, or Rake jobs.

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Aaron Patterson, Rails Core Developer
Aaron Patterson - Rails Core Developer
Wed - 01:30-02:30 PM, Ballroom C

In this presentation, we’ll be looking at some of the innards of Rails. Column caching strategies, database interaction, object design, and view rendering will be discussed. We’ll form links from the back end to the front, looking at the meat of the system. We’ll use the information we learn along the way to mold a view of what the future for Rails will hold. Don’t worry, we won’t bite off more than we can chew!

Sausage making may also be discussed.
