Chris  Converse, Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Chris Converse - Partner, designer and developer at Codify
Wed - 02:45-03:45 PM, Ballroom E

Responsive Web Design has gained incredible momentum over the past year, and has lead to various strategies in web authoring. In it’s simplest form, CSS3 media queries allow us to manipulate elements of our page to fit multiple screen sizes. This alone can be enough to implement your web content to a broad array of users. When we combine features of CSS, such as absolute positioning and background images, with alternate HTML markup techniques, we can begin to alter the user expereince in addition to layout. Using HTML element as ‘containers’ for imagery allows us to use alternate imagery based ont he user’s screen size, decreasing download speeds on mobile devices. In addition, re-positioning elements gives to the ability re-order the appearance of elements, instead of simply resizing them.

When we add AJAX into the mix, we can begin to load advanced user experiences into our web pages. Adding JavaScript detections to our web pages allows us to load more engaging expereinces, while maintaining the advantages of optimized user expereinces. What’s more, the experience we load can be adapted to the device viewing the web page, such as mobile web experience framework.

Want to try it for yourself? Chris will be providing a free template to ETE attendees!

Article - Responsive Web Design Article - Responsive Web Experience